Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tourism and the Environment

Source: Book
Title: Tourism in the Mountain South
By: C. Brendan Martin
Found: McConnell Library

Chapter 7: Modern Tourism and the Landscape in the Mountain South

This book suggests that preserving nature and promoting tourism can go hand in hand. However, as far as weighing the pros and cons of this matter, it seems that there is somewhat of a double edged sword involved.

- Creations of National Parks. Example: Great Smoky Mountain National Park
- Hotels, stores, restaurants being created along the outskirts of these National Parks to capitalize on tourism
- Appalachian Trail: The Appalachian Trail Conference was helpless against commercial development around the trail affecting the scenery
- In 1969, Congress passed the National Scenic Trail Act to prevent further despoliation.
- Today the Appalachian Trail is a nationally protected wildlife corridor.
- Resorts: Surrounding Beauty is main attraction
- Increased number of vacation homes: Good or Bad?
- Increase number of automobiles, littering

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